
Organizational Assessments

These assessments are comprehensive measures of organizational success. Often they are done as part of an Organization Alignment initiative but they can also be done for any leadership team that wants to know how their organization is perceived.

org-assessmentsIn the Organization Alignment process senior leaders identify their core values – what they want the organization to be known for. Then they specify what they would like their most important stakeholders saying about the organization – the organization’s desired reputation.

We then turn their desired reputation into an on-line survey that collects data and comments from customers, boards members, managers, employees, suppliers, and/or other valued partners. The result is a robust report that includes:

• Overall ratings of the organization on each category and question
• Ratings from each group on each category and question
• A summary of the highest and lowest rated questions
• Explanations of high/low ratings from each group about each category
• Extensive comments from each group about the organization’s strengths and opportunities for improvement

The report is a basis for development activities – strengths to leverage, weaknesses to address, and actions to take. The report also establishes a baseline for measuring progress. Follow ups are usually done at one or two year intervals to monitor how closely the organization is living up to its standards.

Sample assessments and reports are available upon request.